Craptanisty Land

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Open Letter to Unwelcome Editor

Dear Ed,
Thank you for reading my blog posts. I apologize that they are full of so many errors that you feel the need to sign on to my dashboard and edit my posts rather than commenting. You're efforts were not appreciated. PS: You are banned from this blog until you learn to control your urges. If my grammar is so atrocious that you can't help but hack into my blog then please don't read it.


Blogger edluv said...

waaaaah. come on, you know you've had me edit posts before. i just figured that a post so good as the last needed to have a few of the spelling errors fixed. that's all. it's not like i changed your content.

6:16 PM  
Blogger edluv said...

and sorry for making a few corrections. i'll refrain from helping unless asked.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Preach it girl, you gotta take your man to task. Don't let him go all Ike Turner on your blog.

Although I must say the frequency of your posts could use some attention.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like that justin is calling someone out for not posting frequently enough.

8:08 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

Did you see that monticore performed with Sigfrid and Roy this week?

I thought for sure you would post about it.

11:42 AM  

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