Craptanisty Land

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I want this

So as I was lamenting my recent misadventure in gardening I was pondering just going to a nursery and buying some grass that was reading for planting. So I stumbled on to what looks to be an awesome nursery in town called Takao Nursery and they are promoting Buffalo Grass (check out their blog for more info). Anyway it uses 75% less water (then fescue grass I assume) and it looks pretty cool. According to the website the particular version of Buffalo grass they sell was created by UC Riverside and Davis. They claim that in the Central Valley it only has to be watered once a week and that it only grows to a length of 4-6 inches so you could chose not to mow it. It has the same drawn backs as other drought tolerant grass (it's dormant during the winter) but I would like to be the cool kid on the block with some hipster grass that isn't you run of the mill Bermuda. So I think I will check this out and find out what the cost of some plants are. More to come....


Blogger Adam said...

See, and if you put that in, when it goes dormant in the winter, you could throw down some winter rye seeds and you wouldn't even have to water during the winter to have a green lawn.

It's a win/win.

1:17 AM  
Blogger m.wise said...

that looks like a good grass, heather. maybe brian and chuck can help you guys pull out all of your current grass, since brians seems to be going well.

and it definately would make you the cool, hipster person!

7:59 AM  
Blogger edluv said...

brian is planning on planting buffalo grass.

12:19 PM  

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